
Agradeço aos amigos e colegas do Grupo Disciplinar de Máquinas Elétricas do ISEL-DEEEA, pelas discussões e ideias para a realização de documentos computacionais, como material de apoio ao ensino da unidade curricular de Máquinas Elétricas II.


The design of this website is based on Computational Thinking, a live online Julia/Pluto textbook. (

These online lectures on Computational Thinking using Pluto notebooks, inspired me to seek out and start developing a notebook collection on electrical machines studies in the electrical engineering course.

Thanks also to Fabian Greimel, for his template version of this website, to host and publish Pluto notebooks, which is simple and easy to maintain.

My gratitude to the creators of Pluto.jl, Fons van der Plas and Mikołaj Bochenski and the entire team of contributors, who, due to the reactive characteristic of their notebook environment for scientific programming language Julia, made me use this type of computational document for teaching and research.

Ricardo Luís